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“From digital social innovation to design&tech education, I carry out applied projects involving interactive products, platforms and innovative processes through [open] design methods.”

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Photo courtesy Claudia Cossu Fomiatti

Photo courtesy Claudia Cossu Fomiatti

Serena Cangiano works at Institute of Design SUPSI - University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland as senior researcher and Head of FabLab - Laboratory of digital fabrication and open innovation of SUPSI, and faculty and and board member at Master in Interaction Design, an international curriculum focusing on design and prototyping of digital experiences.

During the last ten years, she has been designing, teaching and coordinating projects and trainings in collaboration with an international network of designers, creative technologists and (change)makers. From digital social innovation to tech education, she carried out applied projects involving the development of interactive products, platforms and innovative processes through [open] design methods.

She is co-founder of the project Ethafa, a studio for teaching programming and electronics to kids through playful stories.

Since 2015 she co-leads the project Re-programmed art: an open manifesto and she co-curates public events and exhibitions on themes at the convergence of coding and design such as the exhibition Codici Visivi-New Tendencies in Algorithmic Graphic and **Processing Community Day (Turin, 2019).**

In 2015, She completed a doctoral research at Iuav in Venice on open hardware and design practices (Products as Platforms). In 2017, She was awarded the ETH Zürich exchange grant to collaborate with Motoelastico Architectural studio and IDAS International Design School on the first Seoul Architecture Biennale.

She has been collaborating with Swiss and international organizations, such as the Educreators Foundation, **WeMake MakerspaceTODO media&interaction design** and as business coach at Creative Hub CH.

She co-edited **Open Technologies,** the issue n. 30 of Progetto Grafico, the Italian magazine on graphic design; the book “Rebelling with Care”.

The last publication is included in the book Digital Transformation in Design, edited by Schierling L. (2022), **Platinum Open Access.

She gave workshops and public talks at events such as LIFT Conference Geneva, HEK Basel, LIMA Platform for Media Art Amsterdam, ISEA HK, Danish Design Center, FHNW Institute of Integrative Media.

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Objectives realities, Automato Farm, 2018, IxDA conf, 2018, Lyon

Objectives realities, Automato Farm, 2018, IxDA conf, 2018, Lyon

Photo courtesy: Claudia Cossu Fomiatti, 2021

Photo courtesy: Claudia Cossu Fomiatti, 2021

Green Rabbit Hole, Portrait, Matteo Loglio, 2020

Green Rabbit Hole, Portrait, Matteo Loglio, 2020

Photo courtesy: Fabian Frei, 2019

Photo courtesy: Fabian Frei, 2019

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