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A repository of my talks and contributions to conferences and events as speaker, chair, moderator.

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IXDA Education Summit 2023, Workshop Multimodal Design

IXDA Education Summit 2023, Workshop Multimodal Design

Open Making for Social Impact, Danish Design Center, 2017

Digital social innovation? You make it with Arduino? Talk, 02.04.2016, WeMake, Milan

Size Matters? Evaluating prosperity and growth in digital social innovation projects, Workshop, 31.05.2016, Brussels

Digital Social Innovation - How makers build social impact, Talk, 17.09.2016, Zurich Mini Maker Faire, Zurich

Makers meet EU - CAPS meeting at Maker Faire Rome, Public meeting, 14.10.2016, Maker Faire European Edition, Rome

DSI hunt. A gamified workshop to discover the digital social innovators at Maker Faire Europe. Workshop, 14.10.2016, Maker Faire European Edition, Rome

Open Making for Social Impact, 14.02.2017, UNDERBROEN, Copenhagen

Master studio Talks, Institute for Integrative Design, FHNW, Basel

Design, Tinkering and Open Technologies: when Maker Culture flips education on its head. Masterclass and program chair.

Design, Tinkering and Open Technologies: when Maker Culture flips education on its head. Masterclass and program chair.

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